My ex used to leave an energy hog of a 27-inch pre-flatscreen TV on to keep his dog company while he was at work. That was — as is this idea — just a waste of money to me. Audiobooks for dogs?
But I do think recording yourself reading a script especially for your dog, that mentions him or her by name, is a wonderful idea. And why stop there? Videotape yourself talking directly to your dog.
This would be a great little business for some enterprising person. Technology is making things easier and easier. I have often thought about making my own loop tape for my cats. I’d set up my camera on a tripod in areas it might catch sight of rodents or birds, and capture a variety of footage for later editing into a cohesive series.
The video I paid $20 for (including shipping & handling) several years ago was made especially for entertaining bored cats. It cycled through 4 sections: birds, squirrels, mice in a cage, and fish in a tank. Each was about 15 minutes long, as I recall.
Hmmm… I know how to put together videos, so I could offer some stock footage (that I shot myself) interspersed with the pet owner’s footage of him/herself talking to the pet. Let me know in the comments how much you think is a fair price for this…